Example workflow

AB workflow

This workflow utilizes the full power of Pontoon’s online translation features. It assumes that at least two translators are available for the project; however, this workflow can be completed by a single translator in an AA workflow performing each phase or by multiple translators in an ABCn workflow repeating Phase 3.

Phase 1: translation

Translator A

  1. Log in to Pontoon.
  2. Browse to the project.
  3. Using filters select Missing to display only the strings currently missing a translation, marked as fuzzy or containing errors.
  4. Access personal settings by clicking on the gear icon below the editing field and turn on Make suggestions.
    Note that new contributors who have not yet been granted Translator permissions will only have the ability to Make suggestions, which will be enabled by default.
  5. For each string, type a translation and save it with the blue SUGGEST button. The string will be stored and displayed under the editor. Each translation submitted shows the name of the author and when it was saved.

General notes:

  • Rely on Pontoon’s translation tools to ensure consistency and make the translation process faster.
  • When using Firefox, make sure to have a dictionary installed for the translation language, and that spell checking is enabled in the translation text area.

Phase 2: review suggestions

Translator B

  1. Log in to Pontoon.
  2. Browse to the project.
  3. In filters select Unreviewed, to isolate the strings previously suggested by another translator.
  4. Review the suggested strings.
    • If a suggestion is acceptable:
      • Confirm it as an approved translation by clicking the green SAVE button or the checkmark icon near the string in the list below the editor (it turns green when hovered).
    • If a suggestion is not acceptable:
      • Switch to Suggest mode. Edit the translation in the editing space and click the blue SUGGEST button. The newly suggested version will not overwrite the translator’s work, but instead will appear at the top of the list under the editor.
    • Use translation comments to discuss a translation with the other translator. For example, discussing possible alternate translations or asking questions when something isn’t clear.

Phase 3: implementing QA

Translator A

  1. In the project, select Unreviewed from the filter search. Then compare the initial entries with those of the reviewer for changes.
  2. Review the remaining strings:
    • If in agreement, confirm the reviewer’s version by clicking the green SAVE button or the checkmark icon near the string in the list below the editor (it turns green when hovered).
    • If suggesting an alternative, type it into the editor, then hit the blue SUGGEST button. Then resubmit it to the reviewer from Phase 2.
    • Reject suggestions not considered suitable by clicking on the cross icon near the string (it turns red when hovered).
    • If Translator A does not have the Translator or Team manager role, they will be unable to confirm or reject a suggestion. In that case, use translation comments to discuss the translation with the reviewer.

Repeat, switching translators, until a consensus is reached.