Mozilla Donate website: how to localize and test is our platform to collect donations. The main instance is for donations to the Mozilla Foundation, but there is also a separate instance for donations to Thunderbird.


Submitted translations are automatically deployed to the staging server, so you can test them a few minutes after they have been translated.

  • Staging server:​.
  • Production server:

Testing the payment flow

You may want to test the complete user journey on the website, but you don’t have to make an actual donation for that. Braintree (our payment processor for debit/credit cards) has a test mode that is enabled on the staging server only. Simply use the payment info from this page on the staging server and you should be able to simulate a payment. For instance, you can select an amount of money, click on donate by credit/debit card then fill out the form with the testing info. Make sure errors, as well as the page displayed when the donation has been successful, are properly localized.

Testing currency settings

The first thing to check is that the website supports all the relevant currencies for your locale.

You also want to make sure the default currency selected for your locale is the one that makes the most sense. Only one default currency can be set per locale and it’s not possible to rely on geolocation to determine the best one.

If your language is relevant in more than one country, make sure the other currencies are also available in the drop down.

Check that the currency formatting on the page is correct for your language. If it’s not correct, please file an issue.

How to report an issue

The preferred way is to file an issue on the GitHub repository.