Removing a project from android-l10n

Follow the steps below to safely remove a project from android-l10n.

Remove import automation

TaskCluster is used to import translations to autoland. Sync with release engineering to make sure that the automation to import strings for this project has been removed.

Disable the project in Pontoon

In order to disable a project in Pontoon, visit the admin page for the project (e.g. Firefox for Android, Focus for Android, etc.) and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click the Disabled checkbox on the left and then Save Project. The project will no longer be visible to localizers and will stop syncing to the android-l10n repository. After this, it’s safe to remove the project from the repository.

Remove android-l10n files

  • Remove GitHub workflows associated with the project.
  • If available, remove TOML files associated to the project in the root of the repository (e.g. focus.toml for Focus for Android).
  • Remove the entire project folder.