Style guide Urdu (ur)


This style guide provides instruction for localizing to the Urdu locale. It contains rules that are both defined by Mozilla and Mozilla's localization communities on how to best translate text in Mozilla products, websites, and other projects. By following these rules, the translator has a better chance of producing a high quality translation that represents Mozilla values and culture. This style guide is to be used in coordination with the General Mozilla L10n Style Guide. We welcome your feedback, questions and concerns regarding the Style Guide.

Team Details

General Considerations

The localized text should be as if it was originally written in Urdu. It has to be accurate, correct and clear. To achieve that, try to avoid wordiness and word-by-word translation.

  • Accuracy: As a rule all English text needs to be translated. In some cases though, text can be omitted or transliterated; there should be a specific reason for that. The translated text will correctly reflect product functionality.

Example:- Sync
Wrong: ہم وقت ساز
Correct: sync

Example: Security
Wrong: سلامتی
Correct: سیکورٹی

  • Localization: Localization means that the translated text needs to be adapted to the to the local language, customs and localization standards. For example, in many cases you would need to use Urdu names rather than English
  • Translation: Translation is taking the meaning of a word from the source text and providing an equivalent text in the target language.
  • Transliteration (Transliterate): Transliteration is converting the text from one script to another. It does not render meaning. This means changing only the source letters or characters into corresponding those of the target language.

Example:- New York
Wrong: نیا یارک
Correct: نیو یارک

Example: Damascus
Wrong: دماسکس
Correct: دمشق

Do not translate every word, but use the style that is natural for Urdu.

  • Consistency: Please ensure that all terminology is used consistently both within one component and across different components (software, help, documentation). In most cases terminology needs to be consistent also across different products. Moreover please use consistent style and register and translate similar phrases consistently.

Refer Glossary

Formality and tone

Follow these basic rules:

  • Original American English text tends to be rather casual. For the Urdu language, the general style should be clear, friendly and concise. Being friendly does not mean using overly colloquial language – it is crucial to consistently maintain a professional tone, but use contemporary, up-to-date style and common words. Use language that resembles conversation observed in everyday settings as opposed to the formal, technical language that is often used for technical and commercial content.
  • Try to avoid long, nested sentence constructions. If necessary, break up the original sentence and regroup it syntactically.

Example: Fast for Good.
Wrong: اچھے کے لئے تیز۔
Correct: تیز، بہتری کے لئے۔

  • Use wording that is succinct, unambiguous, and free of jargon.
  • Produce a translation that sounds as it if was originally written in your language, i.e. avoid following the original source sentence structure too closely.
  • Always bear in mind who your target audience is (i.e. an experienced computer user, a beginner, or a combination of both groups).
  • Use a consistent style throughout all product components and across a product range, to ensure that all Mozilla products can be linguistically identified as part of a group of products.
  • Use Formal expressions.

Example: Your account is safe
Wrong: تمہارا اکاؤنٹ محفوظ ہے
Correct: آپ کا اکاؤنٹ محفوظ ہے

Reference Terminology

The following terminology sources should be used as reference in the translation:

  • Urdu Glossary
  • Product-specific glossary, to ensure consistency across all product components visit Transvision.
  • Previous version product-specific glossary, visit Transvision, to ensure consistency between versions.
  • Glossaries of other Mozilla products, to ensure cross-product consistency. Microsoft glossary, to ensure adherence to the industry standards. It is your responsibility to make sure that you always have the latest Microsoft glossaries at your disposal. The glossaries can be found at:
  • Wordpress Glossary,

General Guideline:

  • Access Key / Shortcuts should be in english, old ones need to be refactored eg. T =>> T
  • XML tags and External Arguments should remain same. XML tag =>

<img data=>l10n=>name="icon"/> External Argument => {$name}

  • Numbers should be same as english numbers.

eg. 2 will be 2 and not ٢
Wrong : ١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩١٠
Correct : 12345678910

  • For urdu use these symbols:

.(full stop) => ( ۔ ) urdu full stop

,(comma)     => ( ، ) urdu comma

brackets should be opposite,
eg ( name )  =>... ( نام )

Trademarks present a special case for localization as they have legal as well as semantic significance. To ensure that localization does not undermine Mozilla’s trademarks rights, please follow these rules when translating content that includes trademarks.

This page has a list of Mozilla trademarks.

Also, refer to Mozilla's General Brands, copyright and trademark guidelines.

Getting Started with Pontoon

Here, you will be able to setup your keyboard and get started on Pontoon. Watch the videos.

Date format

Month should not be abbreviated, if date is written in source as 11 March 2019, or 11 Mar 2019, you should write as below

۔2019 مارچ 11

Note: Don't include urdu full stop as displayed above, it's just for demonstration.

Abbreviatedmonth ddمارچ 31



Time format

Time should be written as Standard format.

i.e. hh:mm:ss AM/PM or HH:MM
03:24:12 PM


Numbers should be same as english numbers.

* Example: 2 will be 2 and not ٢
* Wrong: ١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩١٠
* Correct : 12345678910

SeparatorCharacter NameSymbolExample
PercentagePercent sign%99.95%


Currency in Urdu is Rupee - روپیہ

* Rupee - روپیہ
* روپیہ 100

Address and postal code format

[street number and name][building and suite numbers]
[district][city][state/province][postal code]

Telephone number format

* +1/+91/+92/ XXXXXXXXXX
* e.g +1 1234567890

Units of measurement

Kilometerکلو میٹرNot Applicable
MeterمیٹرNot Applicable
Decimeterڈیسی میٹرNot Applicable
Centimeterسینٹی میٹرNot Applicable
Millimeterملی میٹرNot Applicable
Hectoliterہیکٹو لیٹرNot Applicable
LiterلیٹرNot Applicable
Deciliterڈیسی لیٹرNot Applicable
Centiliterسینٹی لیٹرNot Applicable
Milliliterملی لیٹرNot Applicable
TonٹنNot Applicable
Kilogramکلو گرامNot Applicable
PoundپاؤنڈNot Applicable
GramگرامNot Applicable
Decigramڈیسی گرامNot Applicable
Centigramسینٹی گرامNot Applicable
Milligramملی گرامNot Applicable
InchانچNot Applicable
FeetفٹNot Applicable
MileمیلNot Applicable
GallonگیلنNot Applicable

Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions

This section includes information on how to apply the general rules of the Urdu language to Mozilla Products.


In Urdu, adjectives should be handled in the following manner.

Adjectives are also considered as nouns.


Pay attention to the correct use of the preposition in translations. Influenced by the English language, many translators omit them or change the word order.

US ExpressionUrdu ExpressionComment
service requestخدمات درخواستThe translation is opposite of the correct one and is not correct.
--------درخواست خدماتThis is incorrect.


Please use the following pronouns in Urdu text.

وہ، تو، تم، آپ، میں، ہم


Small Dash (۔)

Small Dash (۔) is used after the end of sentence, it should be noted, Urdu does not use full stop.

Example: فائل کھولنے کے لیے پاس ورڈ داخل کریں۔

Comma ، (Urdu comma)

Comma is used for separating the words, bringing pauses in sentences.

Example: احمد، محمود، قاسم

Colon : (Urdu colon)

Use colons to show the following list or names in order.

Example: مندرجہ ذیل کریں:


This section does not apply to Urdu.

Quotation Marks

In English strings, you may find software references surrounded by quotation marks.

Example: Instead, you might press “Enter”.
Correct: اس کے بجائے، آپ “اینٹر” دبا سکتے ہیں۔

Singular & Plural

Singular may be used as plural in Urdu.

Example: ہم نے اخبار پڑھ لیا۔


There should not be extra whitespace in between, before and after the sentence. See this

Copy rules

  • XML tags and External Arguments should remain same.
  • XML tag => <img data=>l10n=>name="icon"/> External Argument => {$name}

Read about copy rules styles in the General Mozilla L10n Style Guide.